Notebook Vs Laptop: Know the Difference & Detailed Comparison

Laptops and notebooks are different from each other due to their features. In this guide, we will compare notebook vs laptop and summarize their features to know which is best than other.

Due to the advancement of technology and computing systems, users are looking for more unique things that provide them with more ease of use. Earlier systems were huge enough, and it wasn’t easy to carry them. But in this era of technology, it comes in your lap and hands. You can take them with you anywhere, and the best example of them are laptops and notebooks.

Both devices are best in their criteria and provide many features to their users. But some features, like portability, storage capacity, processing power, and size, can differ. In this guide, I will compare notebook vs laptop so that users can understand which things differentiate them. So let’s start!

What is a Notebook?

What is a Notebook

Notebooks are also a type of personal computer, and it is good to say that they are a type of laptop. You can consider them as a twin brother of a laptop. But they are smaller, more portable, and lightweight than the laptop.

The earlier versions of notebooks are ultra-mobile PC, subnotebooks, and netbooks. Notebooks are smaller, and you can easily fit them into your briefcase or backpack. However, you can use them temporarily in outdoor meetings, libraries, airplanes, etc.

It is important to know that notebooks are just for performing simple tasks and cannot help you to perform heavier tasks due to low processing power. Moreover, they have different trackballs, joysticks, and touchpads than laptops.

What is a Laptop?

The term laptop refers to a computer you can use on your lap. It is a type of mini-computer that provides all of the features you expect from larger systems.

However, laptops can easily distinguish from desktop devices because of their size and portability. You can use them for transportation and to work from anywhere you want.

Laptops are different in features. Some of them are good for performing medium tasks. But some are different from regular laptops and have a special design for extreme situations like heat, dust, strong vibrations, and temperature.

Laptops contain LCD and OLED screens, and the modern laptop’s screen sizes range between 13 to 18 inches. Their screen has excellent resolution, which is important for detailed work.

Notebook Vs Laptop: Comparison Chart

The following comparison chart will help you quickly look at the key features of both devices and let you know which offers better functions.

Parameters of comparisonLaptopNotebook
Processing PowerHigherLower
PeripheralYou can add external peripheralsNo options
Cooling systemsIt has a strong cooling system and fansDoes not have an effective cooling system
WeightLarger and heavierLight and smaller
HardwareStrong enoughNormal quality

Difference between Notebook and Laptop

Let’s compare notebook vs laptop and cover their key aspects to know which is better. Here are some features that differentiate them from each other.

Weight and Portability

Notebook vs laptop there is no difference between both devices regarding portability. Both devices are lighter and provide ease of carrying them around with you. They are small portable computers that allow their users to work from anywhere.

However, laptops are larger than a notebook and are slightly heavier. The weight of laptops may range between 3 to 10 pounds and are up to 1.5 to 2 inches thick. But the weight may vary depending on the model of the laptop.

But the notebook is lighter, and it weighs about 5 pounds. The thickness of the notebook is up to 0.5 to 1 inch. Due to the smaller size, it is easy to carry a notebook in your briefcase, and it can fit in a small space. It makes them more portable than laptops, and it is worth saying that it is easy to carry notebooks.

Screen Size

Laptops come in various screen sizes, and users have a lot of choices to choose from. Most laptops have screen sizes ranging from 10 to 18 inches, providing excellent screen resolution. The larger screen does its best if you want to use your laptop for video games and other complex tasks.

But the notebooks have the same screen size as a real notebook which may range between 9 to 14 inches.


Laptops have components that help users to perform heavy tasks, and their main purpose is mobility. They replace larger devices like computers and provide easy use anywhere, and anytime you can take them around.

While notebooks primarily use mobility, small presentations, web browsing, internet access, and documentation, it is only for basic usage. It cannot help to perform heavy tasks. But it is ideal for those users who want to search the web, use social media, and perform other lighter tasks like these.

Processing Power and Cooling System

The cooling system and processing power are among the most important things that differentiate between a notebook vs laptop.

Laptops have more powerful RAM, up to 2 GB and 16 GB, and contain higher processing power than notebooks. You can use laptops as a replacement for desktop computers.

Moreover, laptops produce more heat due to larger components and high processing power, and because of this, they contain fans. These fans make sure to keep the system cool to avoid overheating.

Notebooks have a simple design to complete simple tasks like watching movies, web browsing, etc., and have low processing power. The RAM is also small, range 1 GB to 4 GB, and 4GB is rare; you may find it in high-end notebooks. Moreover, their processing power is low enough.

There is no cooling system or fans in notebooks because their processor cannot generate high power that can cause heat among the components. However, it helps the notebook to reduce its weight and noise while operating it.


When it comes to connectivity options, laptops offer more than a notebook. Laptops have several ports to connect external peripherals. At the same time, notebooks contain a few ports to support external devices.

Moreover, laptops have an integrated CD or DVD drive, which is unavailable in the notebook. Although most users don’t use these DVD or Cd drives nowadays, they are an additional feature of laptops. However, don’t worry. You can attach an external DVD or CD drive with your notebook if required.

Storage Space

Two types of storage drives offer different storage spaces. One of them is HDD. They are cheap, and you can get more storage space with them. Another type is SSD. They are more expensive than HDD and provide excellent features such as being faster, curable, using less energy, and lighter.

Modern laptops have SSD drives but hardly have significant storage capacity. However, some high-end models have high storage capacity though they use HDDs.

Regarding the notebook’s storage capacity, they come with SSD due to their smaller size. Due to this, you can expect various benefits from them regarding weight, durability, low energy consumption, and speed. But at the same time, they offer low storage capacity compared to laptops with HDDs.

Battery Life

The devices’ battery life greatly matters whether you want to buy a laptop or a notebook. The excellent battery provides easy use when you are away from a power source.

Most high-end and expensive laptops offer longer battery life compared to notebooks. But the battery life of a standard laptop is less than the notebook.

The battery life of an average laptop may last up to 6 to 10 hours. However, it may vary depending on the usage of the device. At the same time, a notebook’s battery life may last up to 7 to 14 hours.


Regarding the price of a notebook vs laptop, it is one of the most concerning things for consumers. However, laptops are more expensive due to their upgraded features, such as high storage space, powerful processors, and more RAM. At the same time, notebooks are lower in cost as they have limited functionality.

The average price of an average laptop is up to $500. But if you want more high-end features in your laptop with a higher configuration, the price may range from $1000 to $2500.

You should determine many features according to the cost of a laptop. But the processing power and size of the screen are two major aspects that can influence the price of a laptop.

While on the other hand, the notebook’s cost may range from $150 to $400 anywhere. However, the high-end models with good configuration may cost $800.

Main Manufacturers

If you are looking for the major difference between a notebook vs laptop, you may also want to know where to buy them. Because these two terms create confusion among users as they consider notebooks and laptops to be the same, but they are not. Here are some brands that manufacture these devices, and I hope it may narrow down your research.

Notebook makers include:

  • HP®
  • Apple
  • Samsung
  • Sony
  • Toshiba
  • Dell

Laptop makers include:

  • HP®
  • Apple
  • Acer
  • Asus
  • Samsung
  • Lenovo
  • Sony
  • Alienware
  • Toshiba
  • Microsoft
  • Dell
  • MSI

Pros and Cons of Laptops and Notebooks

Both devices perform well, but here are some important things you may need to know.

Pros and Cons of Notebooks

Here are some pros and cons of notebooks that you can consider before buying them.


  • Due to their small size and lightweight, it is easy to carry them.
  • You can charge them conveniently.
  • The battery life is longer than a laptop’s battery life.


  • The size of the screen is small compared to the laptops.
  • The screen resolution is low and not good for playing games.
  • The storage capacity is limited.
  • Notebooks have limited functions as compared to computers and laptops.

Pros and Cons of Laptops

Here are some pros and cons of laptops that you can consider while buying a laptop.


  • They provide a larger screen that has higher resolution power. You can see a single detail on the screen if you want to watch videos or play games.
  • The storage space is more than enough, and you can store large amounts of data without worrying about the shortage of space.


  • Due to their integrated design, it isn’t easy to upgrade them.
  • They don’t provide options if someone wants to personalize its components according to their work requirements.
  • The components like latches, power jacks, and hinges are weak and may damage or break easily.
  • They are costly, and the price will increase with adding features.

Final Verdict: Laptop Vs Notebook

In short, the main difference between a notebook and a laptop is the storage capacity and processing power. Moreover, notebooks and laptops differ in size, usage, and weight.

Both of the devices are very useful depending on the user’s needs. You can use them for performing any simple task like web browsing to heavier tasks like graphic design.

After reading this guide, I hope you will know the major difference between a notebook and a laptop. The notebook is better due to its smaller size. But laptops are excellent for heavier tasks, have better storage, and have more processing power.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are laptops called notebooks?

The name notebook and laptop refer to the device you can use by placing it on your lap. You can use laptops like notebooks, and due to this, users call laptops notebooks.

Should I study with a laptop or notebook?

Yes, you can study with a laptop or notebook. The notebook has an advantage over a laptop as you can bring it to your class to take notes. Due to its lightweight, you can carry them easily. Moreover, a notebook’s battery life is more than a laptop’s, and you can study without worrying about the battery.

What is the advantage of a laptop over a notebook?

The advantage of a laptop over a notebook is that it has a cooling system and provides more functionality than the notebook. The storage capacity of a laptop is also more than a notebook. But it is a fact that a notebook is more portable, slim, and lightweight than a regular laptop.

Does a notebook have a hard drive?

A hard drive is an essential part of any laptop and notebook. It is a non-volatile device that can store n when the power supply is unavailable. The notebook also contains it and stores your data storage device

Does a notebook computer have a keyboard?

Laptops are also known as notebooks, PC, and portable personal computers. They have features such as a touchpad, keyboard, and a screen. The notebook contains a keyboard. They are like the clamshell and have a screen as an upper lid and the lower lid of the keyboard.

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